Healing, Classes, Initiations & Activations
Flower & Plant Initiations
Passed down directly from the Divine through a special channeling in 2015 being 1 out of the 3 gifts from the Divine after receiving a special message from Shirdi Sai Baba, these initiations are now easily made available for us to shine our Light exponentially bright, expressing our inherent Divinity within us for all to perceive.
Each initiation goes to the essence of our being, restructuring of our deep subconscious self at many levels. Initiations are transmitted infusions of energy experienced for the very first time.
Mother Nature is a natural healer, and one of her most powerful gifts comes in the form of flowers. Each flower variety has a different “personality” to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (PEMS) wellness helps with metaphysical issues. These flower initiations are able to support to deepen our spiritual practice and open our psychic abilities at the same time to create potent healing effects.
Sample of available Flower Initiations (over 100 initiations available), includes the powerful lotuses and roses initiations as well.